Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Human Dance Project, New Production

June 15th, 16th
Teatro Fernan Gomez Madrid, Spain

July 4th, 5th and 6th
Suzanne Dellal Center Tell Aviv, Israel

Encontra2 comunicado prensa

Two men. Simply content. Living life without complication
nor prejudice.
The other. Trapped and voiceless. Existing and yet wanting
to live.
And then, a chance encounter that changes everything.
Conflict : where love and understanding unite as one.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Queridos amigos

En este blog os iré contando lo que va sucediendo con mi compañía, Human Dance Project, Espectáculos, anécdotas y cosas maravillosas y no tan maravillosas que vallan sucediendo.

Espero que lo disfruteis. Un gran beso a todos.
